The Future of Access Control: Trends To Watch Out For
Author : Digitalnewspoint Last Updated, Dec 1, 2023, 4:35 PM

The business landscape is constantly changing, and companies must adapt to how they protect their buildings, data, and assets. Access control systems have come a long way since their introduction in the 1960s, becoming an essential asset to modern decision-makers. In this blog post, we’ll explore the future of access control and the trends to watch out for that will shape how companies administer and grant access globally.

Mobile Access Control

Today, businesses want to be accessible and flexible, meaning moving away from physical keys and access cards is essential. Mobile access control allows employees to use their smartphones as a key to access entry points, elevators, or offices. With fewer physical keys or cards, it’s easier to manage and track who enters certain areas and when. Implementing an employee access control policy also allows for customization of user settings, such as granting specific permissions to designated personnel.

Cloud-Based Access Control

Cloud-Based Access Control allows for system upgrades and maintenance without managers needing to be on-site. The cost and time of managing physical access control infrastructure can be exorbitant, but with the cloud access model, it becomes much more adaptable, efficient, and cost-effective. Businesses can host the software through a web browser, giving them more control over user management and reporting. The cloud-based system is an attractive option for companies with multiple locations.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence will revolutionize access control systems and take security to the next level. It has the potential to predict unauthorized access and possible threats and even detect abnormalities that could lead to security breaches. AI-powered cameras can analyze human behavior to identify potential risks and alert appropriate personnel before the threat becomes an issue. AI-enhanced analytics and reporting will give businesses the visibility and control they seek without the need for 24/7 human supervision.

Integrated Identity and Access Management

Identity and Access Management (IAM) integration has become increasingly critical for effective access control. With IAM, businesses can monitor and control user activity in real-time, allowing or restricting access to specific resources. For example, IAM can revoke an employee’s access without compromising the overall access system’s functionality if they lose their access key. Access control systems reach a new level of sophistication and better align with the security needs of businesses by integrating with IAM.

Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication is transforming the access control industry, both in terms of security and user experience. Facial recognition technology, iris scans, and fingerprint readers provide higher levels of security, reducing the likelihood of fraudulent access or data breaches. Since biometric data is unique to an individual, it’s much harder to fake or duplicate, meaning that access decisions become more accurate and reliable.

Meeting Increasing Security Demands

The future of access control is exciting, and the trends to watch out for are inspiring. Decision-makers can create more efficient, secure, and user-centered systems with mobile access control, cloud-based systems, AI, integrated IAM, and biometric authentication. As business operations become more complex, the need for security will continue to increase, demanding more sophisticated and reliable access control solutions.

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